Roxana Oltean – Research

Research Interests:

  • Assessing the effectiveness of psychological interventions for mental disorders;
  • Identifying risk and resilience factors for mental disorders;
  • Investigating confounders and effect modifiers.

Projects & Grants:

  • Investigating the relative effectiveness of psychological interventions for psychosis;
  • Testing the relative effectiveness of ACT and CBT interventions for depressive symptoms.

Stelian Florean – Research

Research Interests:

  • Assessing the effectiveness of psychological interventions for mental disorders;
  • Identifying risk and resilience factors for mental disorders;
  • Investigating confounders and effect modifiers.

Projects & Grants:

  • Investigating the relative effectiveness of psychological interventions for psychosis;
  • Testing the relative effectiveness of ACT and CBT interventions for depressive symptoms.

Lia Oltean – Research

Research Interests:

● Childhood adversity and psychopathology: mechanisms 

○ Identifying resilience and risk factors 

● Evidence-based psychological interventions: mechanisms and effect modifiers

○ Positive psychology interventions

Projects & Grants:

Principal Investigator:

● 2023-present: UBB Starting Research Grant (SRG-UBB 32989/ 23.06.2023)

Team Member: 

2021-2023: Grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2894: Reducerea costurilor singurătății. O abordare cognitiv-comportamentală a mecanismelor și intervenției. 

Horea Oltean, PhD.

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Horea Oltean, PhD.

Descriere scurta

Interese de cercetare:

  • Interes 1
  • Interes 2

Proiecte de cercetare:

  • Proiect 1


  • Blog
  • Pagina de Facebook

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Ruben Nechifor – Research

Research Interests:

  • Various fMRI and Clinical MRI studies for different psychopathologies and clinical pathologies
  • Develop and implement new pulse sequences and new protocols for improving the existing/standard techniques and protocols of fMRI and Clinical MRI in order to obtain a better and earlier image signature of tissue microstructure.
  • Perfusion and Diffusion MRI studies on cancer tumours with specific mutation status and their correlation with tissue histopathology and with different associate psychological profiles.
  • Assess the differences between relapses and pseudo-relapses tumours on the brain in correlation with the tissues histopathology and the associate psychological profile using various MRI techniques.
  • Explore various prognostics related with progression-free survival and overall survival of various tumour types in comparison with their histopathology and the observed psychological profiles.
  • Various fMRI and Clinical MRI studies for appraising the psychological and clinical features, their correlation with tissues histopathology and various psychological profiles and for assessing the outcome responses to various/new psychotherapies and clinical therapies.

Projects & Grants:

  • Technical Expert Clinical MRI Equipment within the project POC/448/1/1/127725 – High Field Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging Infrastructure – INSPIRE, 2022 – 2023
  • COST Action CA18206, Glioma MR Imaging 2.0, 2019 – 2023,

Principal Investigator in the following grants:

  • Assessing the neural correlates of highly religious christian, moderate religious christian and nonreligious belief through fMRI and structural MRI analysis, The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion, University of OXFORD, John Templeton Foundation, 2021 – 2023
  • The importance of imaging analysis in tumour pathology in the Oro – Maxillo – Facial territory, Babeș – Bolyai University in partnership with Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj – Napoca, România, 2021 – 2022
  • Developing novel biomarkers starting from default diffusion MRI data, Babeș – Bolyai University Grant, GTC 35277/18.11.2020, 2020 – 2022
  • Advanced MRI and fMRI at STAR – UBB, Advanced Fellowship Inter UBB, Oct – Nov. 2020.
  • The neurobiological effects in terms of brain activity and network connectivity of rational versus irrational belief explored through fMRI, Babeș – Bolyai University Grant, 2019 – 2021  
  • Social jetlag, sleep deprivation and their correlates in relation with brain structure and brain activity assessed through resting – state fMRI, Babeș – Bolyai University in partnership with Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj – Napoca, România, 2019 – 2021

Anca Dobrean – Research

Research Interests:

  • Evidence based assessment
  • Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Children and Adolescents 
  • Child anxiety, ADHD
  • Parenting

Projects & Grants (PI):

Projects & Grants (member):

Simona Stefan – Research

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Research Interests:

  • Anxiety disorders – mechanisms and treatment
  • Efficacy of psychological treatments
  • Schema therapy and third wave interventions
  • Psychology of interpersonal relations

Projects & Grants:

2020-2022: project director UBB, 35288/18.11.2020– “Schema focused therapy for transdiagnostic worry” (Babes-Bolyai internal grant) 2018-2019: Fulbright Grant, Council for International Exchange of Scholars/Institute of International Education (IIE/CIES) and the Romanian – U.S. Fulbright Commission, 665/25/06/2018 – Positive Emotion Dysregulation and Behavioral Avoidance in Relation to Social Anxiety and Depression Symptoms 2019 – 2021: project director of PN III –P1 – 1.1 – TE – 2016 – 1054, (grant earned in competition by Ioana Cristea, Ph.D.) 2016-2017: project director UBB, 31814/23.03.2016 – “Care-avoidant versus care-seeking illness anxiety – etiological mechanisms” (Babes-Bolyai internal grant) 2012 – 2014: project director PN-II-RU-PD-2012-3-0168 -,, Explaining irritable bowel syndrome – the role of worry and worry-related constructs” (UMF Iuliu Haţieganu, Cluj – Napoca) 2013 – 2017: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1797 – Promoting active aging – a computerized platform for cognitive training and rehabilitation (ActiveCORE) (project member) 2015 – 2017: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1316 – Moderators of treatment response to cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression; what works best and for whom (project member) 2015 – 2017: PNI-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0490 – A randomized clinical trial for investigating the efficacy of a smartphone application for mammary biopsy symptom management: Bio h-app (project member) 2008 – 2014: Grant awarded by the Albert Ellis Institute, New York, „Rational emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy versus Cognitive therapy versus Acceptance and commitment therapy in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (project member)

Silviu Matu – Research

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Research Interests:

  • Interes 1
  • etc.

Projects & Grants:

Razvan Predatu – Research

Research Interests:

  • Emotion regulation difficulties and their role in various psychological disorders (depressive and anxiety disorders, sleep disorders).
  • Negative beliefs about emotions and their role in (meta)emotional functioning.
  • Cognitive-behavioral interventions to optimize performance (cognitive-behavioral coaching) and technology-based interventions.

Projects & Grants:

Project director:

Project team member:

Radu Șoflău – Research

Research Interests:

  • Assessing the effectiveness of psychological interventions for mental disorders;
  • Identifying risk and resilience factors for mental disorders;
  • Investigating confounders and effect modifiers.

Projects & Grants:

  • Investigating the relative effectiveness of psychological interventions for psychosis;
  • Testing the relative effectiveness of ACT and CBT interventions for depressive symptoms.