Profesor Universitar Doctor Oana DAVID
Dr. Oana David este profesor universitar în cadrul Departamentului de Psihologie Clinică şi Psihoterapie şi director al Clinicii universitare Babes-Bolyai-PsyTech. Profesor Este psiholog clinician şi psihoterapeut principal, supervizor, atestat de către Colegiul Psihologilor din România, Albert Ellis Institute şi British Psychological Society. Dr. Oana David coordonează DATA Lab iar interesele sale de cercetare vizează dezvoltarea unor intervenţii psihologice innovative bazate pe tehnologie (ex. online, gamificate, prin realitate virtuală). Expertiza sa profesională include aplicarea intervenţiilor psihologice în domeniul educational (sprijinul sănătății mintale al studenților, elevilor, părinților) și în organizații (ex. performanţă, stress).
- Curs Programe de Parenting
- Intervenţii cognitiv-comportamentale aplicate în domeniul educaţional
- Intervenţii cognitiv-comportamentale aplicate în domeniul organizaţional
- Curs coaching cognitiv-comportamental
Orar Consultații:
Joi: 09:00 – 11:00 – pe bază de programare prealabilă pe email
Adresă de contact: Strada Republicii 37, 400015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Interese de cercetare:
- Intervenții personalizate bazate pe tehnologie pentru managementul stresului și reglarea emoțiilor
Proiecte & Granturi:
Director de proiect
- Sprijinirea universităților în a se îngriji eficient de sănătatea mintală a studenților în era digitală, cod PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-3882 (2022-2024)
- Evaluarea gamificată a abilităților de reglare emoțională și prevenția personalizată bazată pe joc online a tulburărilor emoționale la copii, cod PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2170 (2021-2024)
- REThinkWELL: O platformă integrativă validată științific pentru prevenția tulburărilor emoționale, cod PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-3837 (2020-2022)
- Wellbeing Academy Caring Universities – Sondaj de evaluare a nevoilor de sănătate mintală a studenților din consorțiul național – coordonator național afiliat WMH-ICS și coordonat la nivel internațional de Harvard Medical School (2020-2023)
- Wellbeing Academy Caring Universities – Intervenții de sprijin pentru sănătatea mintală a studenților – coordonator național prin intermediul Clinicii Universitare de Psihologie (Clinica PsyTech) a Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai (UBB) (2021 – prezent)
Alte granturi
- Utilizarea tehnologiei și dezvoltarea socio-emoțională a copiilor mici: vulnerabilitate și protecție – consultant în colaborare cu Universitatea din Lille, director de proiect Dr. Marie Danet (2021-prezent)
- REThink: Un joc terapeutic online validat ştiinţific pentru promovarea sănătăţii mintale la copii și adolescenți, cod PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1937 – director de proiect (2014-2017)
- Dcombat: O intervenție computerizată cu rol preventiv și terapeutic pentru depresie, cod EEA-JRP-RO-NO-2013-1-0358 – cercetător (2014-2017)
- iSofie – Intervenţie pe internet pentru anxietate socială în Romania, Grant EduCare FP7, Comisia Europeană – cercetător (2013-2014)
1. David, O. A., & Fodor, L. A. (2022). Are gains in emotional symptoms and emotion-regulation competencies after the REThink therapeutic game maintained in the long run? A 6-month follow-up. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 1-10.
2. David, O. A., Stroian, P. I., Predatu, R., & Maffei, A. (2022). State anxiety and frontal alpha asymmetry effects of the REThink online video game for children and adolescents: A six-month follow-up. Personality and Individual Differences, 196, 111725.
3. David O. A., Magurean S., Tomoiagă, C. (2022). Do Improvements in Therapeutic Game-Based Skills Transfer to Real Life Improvements in Children’s Emotion-Regulation Abilities and Mental Health? A Pilot Study That Offers Preliminary Validity of the REThink In-game Performance Scoring. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 828, Doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.82848
4. David, O. A., & David, D. O. (2022). How can we Best Use Technology to Teach Children to Regulate Emotions? Efficacy of the Cognitive Reappraisal Strategy Based on Robot Versus Cartoons Versus Written Statements in Regulating Test Anxiety. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy.
5. David, O. A., Cardos, R. A. I., & Predatu, R. (2021). Effectiveness of the REThink therapeutic online video game in promoting mental health in children and adolescents. Internet Interventions.
6. Burkova, V.,…David, O.A. et al. (2021). Predictors of Anxiety in the COVID-19 Pandemic from a Global Perspective: Data from 23 Countries. Sustainability, 13(7), 4017;
7. Predatu, R., David, O. A., David, D. O., & Maffei, A. (2021). Emotion regulation abilities as a predictor of emotional response experienced by children and adolescents in the face of stress. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 15(1), 1061-5806.
8. Dobrowolska, M., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Sorokowski, P., Randall, A. K., Hilpert, P., Ahmadi, K., Alghraibeh, A. M., …David, O.A. et al. (2020). Global Perspective on Marital Satisfaction. Sustainability, 12(21), 8817. doi:
9. David, O. A., Costescu, C., Cardos, R. & Mogoase, C. (2020). How Effective are Serious Games for Promoting Mental Health and Health Behavioral Change in Children and Adolescents? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Child Youth Care Forum. Doi:
10. David, O. A., Predatu, R., & Maffei, A. (2020). REThink online video game for Children and Adolescents: Effects on State Anxiety and Frontal Alpha Asymmetry. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. Doi:
11. David, O. A., Canta, A., Salagean, I., Valenza, G., Mennin, D. S. (2020). The phobic applying for a job: Differential efficacy of reappraising or faking on subjective states, physiological reactions and performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 167, 110243. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.110243
12. Dobrowolska, M., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Sorokowski, P., Randall, A. K., Hilpert, P., Ahmadi, K., Alghraibeh, A. M., …David, O.A. et al. (2020). Global Perspective on Marital Satisfaction. Sustainability, 12(21), 8817. doi:
13. Comșa, L., David, O. A., & David, D. (2020). Outcomes and mechanisms of change in cognitive-behavioral interventions for weight loss: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials, Behaviour Research and Therapy, doi:
14. David, O. A. (2019). The Rational Parenting Coach App: Rethink Parenting! A Mobile Parenting Program for Offering Evidence-Based Personalized Support in the Prevention of Child Externalizing and Internalizing Disorders. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 19(2), 97-108.
15. Ko, A., Pick, C. M., Kwon, J. Y., Barlev, M., Krems, J. A., Varnum, M. E. W., … David, O. A., …Kenrick, D. T. (2020). Family Matters: Rethinking the Psychology of Human Social Motivation. Perspectives on Psychological Science. Doi:
16. David, O. A., & David, D. (2019). Managing distress using mobile prescriptions of psychological pills: A first 6-month effectiveness study of the PsyPills app. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 201.
17. David, O. A., David, D., Mogoase, C., Popescu, L. C., Giosan, C., & Pellegrino, A. (2019). Psychological effects and brain correlates of a rose‐based scented cosmetic cream. Journal of Sensory Studies. Doi: 10.1111/joss.12536
18. Marcinkowska, U. M., Rantala, M. J., Lee, A. J., Kozlov, M. V., Aavik, T., Cai, H., Contreras-Garduño, J., David, O. A., Kaminski, G., Li, N. P., Onyishi, I. E., Prasai, K., Pazhoohi, F., Prokop, P., Cardozo, S. L. R., Sydney, N., Taniguchi, H., Krams, I., Dixson, B. J. W. (2019). Women’s preferences for men’s facial masculinity are strongest under favorable ecological conditions. Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, 9, 3387. Doi:
19. David, O. A., Cardos, R. A. I., & Matu, S. A. (2019). Is REThink therapeutic game effective in preventing emotional disorders in children and adolescents? Outcomes of a randomized clinical trial. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Doi:
20. David, O. A., Cardos, R. A. I., & Matu, S. A. (2019). Changes in irrational beliefs are responsible for the efficacy of the REThink therapeutic game in preventing emotional disorders in children and adolescents: mechanisms of change analysis of a randomized clinical trial. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 28(3), 307-318. Doi:
21. David, O. A. & Predatu, R. & Cardos, R. (2018). A pilot study of the REThink online video game applied for coaching emotional understanding in children and adolescents in the therapeutic video game environment: The Feeling Better resources game. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies. 18. 57-68. 10.24193/jebp.2018.1.5.
22. Sorokovska, A., […], David, O. A. et al. (2018). Global Study of Social Odor Awareness. Chemical senses, 43(7), 503-513. doi: 10.1093/chemse/bjy038.
23. Del Vecchio, T., Jablonka, O., DiGiuseppe, R., Notti, J., David, O. (2017). Psychometric Evaluation of the Parent Anger Scale. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(11), 3013–3025. DOI:
24. Sorokowski, P., […], David, O. A., et al. (2017). Effects of Sex, Age, Marriage Duration, Religion, Number of Children, Economic Status, Education, and Collectivistic Values on Marital Satisfaction: Data from 33 Countries. Frontiers in Psychology, section Personality and Social Psychology, 8: 1199.
25. David O. A., Capris D., & Jarda A. (2017). Online Coaching of Emotion-Regulation Strategies for Parents: Efficacy of the Online Rational Positive Parenting Program and Attention Bias Modification Procedures. Frontiers in Psychology, special issue Emotion science, 8. DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00500
26. Cardos, R. A. I., David, O. A., David, O. D. (2017). Virtual reality exposure therapy in flight anxiety: A quantitative meta-analysis, Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 371-380. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.03.007
27. Sorokowska, A. et al. (2017). Preferred Interpersonal Distances: A Global Comparison. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(4), 577–592
28. David, D., Matu, S. A., David, O. A., & Terracciano, A. (2017).The Role of Cognitive Discrepancy Between Perception of National Character and Personality in the Functioning and Adaptation of 46 Countries: An Exploratory Study. Cross-Cultural Research, 1-24. Doi: 1069397116686732
29. Mogoase, C., Cobeanu, O., David, O. A., Szentagotai, A., & Giosan, C. (2017). Internet-based psychotherapy for adult depression: What about the mechanisms of change?. Journal of Clinical Psychology, , 73(1), 5–64. doi: