Oana David – Research

Research Interests:

  • Personalized technology-based interventions for stress management and emotion regulation

Projects & Grants:

Current grants directed

1.     June 2022-June2024 – Director, Grant Grant PED Experimental Demonstrative Projects, Title REThink ACADEMY: Helping universities to effectively care for the mental health of college students in the digital age, UEFISCDI (548.000 RON;

2.     January 2021 – december 2023 – Director, Grant PCE, REThink Emotions:Game Based Online Assessment of Emotion-Regulation Abilities And Personalised Prevention Of Emotional Disorders In Children and Adolescents, UEFISCDI (1.197.556 RON, PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2170)

3.     August 2020 – August 2022 – Director, Grant PED, REThinkWELL: An integrative evidence-based platform for the prevention of emotional disorders in children and adolescents, UEFISCDI (550.000 RON; PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-3837)

4.     2020-2023, Coordinator of the National Consortium in Romania (BBU and other three universities) affiliated to the WHO World Mental Health International College Student (WMH-ICS) Initiative and coordinated by Harvard Medical School. Full title: WellbeingAcademy-CaringUniversities – National Consortium Student Mental Health Needs Assessment Survey.

5. 2021-present, National coordinator, WellbeingAcademy-CaringUniversities –  Student Mental Health Support Interventions at PsyTech-Babes-Bolyai Psychology Clinic BBU.

Other grants

February 2021 – present Consultant, Digital media use and socio-emotional development of toddlers: vulnerability and protection, director Dr. Marie Danet, Associate professor at University of L’Ille.

June 2014-July 2017 –  Project Director, Joint Applied Research Projects PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4, project title: REThink: Evidence-based therapeutic online game for child and adolescent mental health, National Council for Scientific Research (300.000EUR).

 June 2014-2017, Researcher, Grant Dcombat: A Computerized Preventative and Therapeutic Intervention for Depression, Programme “Research within Priority Sectors”- implemented under the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, Grant coordinated by Babes-Bolyai University, Partners: CheckWare AS; Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

March 2013 – September 2014, Expert mental health and coaching, Grant EduCare FP7, European Commision.

March-September 2012, Researcher, iSofie-Internet based Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder in Romania, Coordinator: Babes-Bolyai University, Partner Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweeden.