
The Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy offers the following services, provided by its nationally and internationally certified professionals:

1. Specialized psychological services for children, adolescents, adults and the elderly, through the ,,Babeş-Bolyai – PsyTech University Clinic (PsyTech Clinic):

  • Clinical psychodiagnosis (assessment);
  • Treatment (clinical psychology, psychological counseling and psychotherapeutic interventions for mental, psychosomatic and somatic disorders involving psychological mechanisms in their etiology). Through our associate members, these treatments are integrated with psychiatric ones;
  • Genetic counseling;
  • Health promotion and disease prevention.

The clinic was established by the Decision of the Senate of Babeş-Bolyai University no. 20.357 / 5.11.2007.

Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, through the PsyTech Clinic, has two more externalized clinical sites:

(1) Evidence-based psychological assessment and interventions Unit (Department of Child and Adolescents Psychiatry – “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy and  Children Hospital) and

(2) Clinical psychology and psychotherapy Unit (“Theodora” Seniors Hospital, Cluj-Napoca).

2. International Institute for Coaching (European Center for Coaching)

The Institute, established within Babeş-Bolyai University (Decision no. 378 / 19.05.2009) offers services in coaching and associated clinical aspects to community and organisational settings, through the ,,Babeş-Bolyai – PsyTech” University Clinic:

  • Cognitive-behavioral coaching;
  • Clinical counseling in situations of professional harassment (e.g., bullying / mobbing);
  • Optimization and personal development;
  • Others.

The members of the Institute are certified professionals in the clinical field, with experience in clinical applications in the organizational and educational environment, in the country and abroad. The coordinator of the Institute is Professor, Ph.D., psychologist Oana David ( For more details see Link and / or write to

3. Professional and paraprofessional trainings in collaboration with the Romanian Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies (Romanian Center for Evidence-Based Assessment and Psychotherapy) and throught the International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Healththe Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy offers:

  • Complementary continuing education programs (basic). These are aimed at those who want to become clinical psychologists, psychological counselors and psychotherapists (see Department’s Masters);
  • Continuing education/professional and adult training programs. These are addressed to all those who want to develop personally and socially: long life learning; adult training / training for paraprofessionals) and professionals who work and want to develop their assessment and intervention competencies with relevance for health and illness in various domains (continuing education):
    1. clinic;
    2. educational;
    3. work-organizational;
    4. national security and defense etc.

For a complete list of these programs see  We also provide specific training modules at the request of the beneficiary.