Diana Nechita – Publicații


  • 2022
    • Crisan, S. M., & Nechita, D. M. (2022). Maladaptive emotion regulation strategies and trait anger as predictors of depression severity. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 29(3), 1135-1143. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2702
    • Crisan, S., Canache, M., Buksa, D., & Nechita, D. (2022). A Comparison Between Self-compassion and Unconditional Self-acceptance: Interventions on Self-blame, Empathy, Shame-, Guilt-Proneness, and Performance. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 1-17.
    • David, D., Szentagotai, A., Nechita, D., & Ştefan, S. (2022). Psychotherapy Models: A Historical Perspective. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-818697-8.00098-4
    • Miu, A. C., Szentágotai-Tătar, A., Balázsi, R., Nechita, D., Bunea, I., & Pollak, S. D. (2022). Emotion regulation as mediator between childhood adversity and psychopathology: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 102141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2022.102141
  • 2021
    • Crisan, S. M., & Nechita, D. M. (2021). Maladaptive emotion regulation strategies and trait anger as predictors of depression severity. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2702
    • Cristea, I. A., & Nechita, D. M. (2021). Effective psychological interventions for relapse prevention in schizophrenia. The Lancet. Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1016/s2215-0366(21)00351-5
    • Nechita, D. M., Bud, S., & David, D. (2021). Shame and eating disorders symptoms: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1002/eat.23583
    • Szentágotai-Tătar, A., Miu, A. C., Nechita, D. M., & David, D. (2021). Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and happiness. In W. Dryden (Ed.), New Directions in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (pp. 142-160). Routledge.
    • Ceclan, A. A., & Nechita, D. M. (2021). The effects of self‐compassion components on shame-proneness in individuals with depression: An exploratory study. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2560
  • 2020
    • Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Nechita, D. M., Miu, A.C (2020). Shame in Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. Curr Psychiatry Rep., 22(4). doi: 10.1007/s11920-020-1142-9
    • Cândea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2020). Cognitive Reappraisal as an Emotion Regulation Strategy for Shame: Comparing Self-Distancing to Changing Self-Evaluations. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 13(1), 42-53. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41811-019-00064-4
  • 2019
    • Cândea, D.M & Bud, S. (2019). Programe de intervenție pentru depresie. În V. Enea (Ed.), Intervenții psihologice în școală. Manualul consilierului școlar. (pp.265-275). Iași: Polirom
    • Prefit, A.B., Cândea, D.M. & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Emotion regulation across eating pathology: A meta-analysis. Appetite. 143:104438. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.104438
    • Cândea, D.M., Ceclan, A., Cionca, S., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Self-Compassion and Mental Illness: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Evidence. Part II. In Galiana L. & Sanso N. (Eds), The Power of Compassion. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    • Cândea, D.M., Ceclan, A., Cionca, S., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Self-Compassion and Mental Illness: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Evidence. Part I. In Galiana L. & Sanso N. (Eds), The Power of Compassion. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    • David, D., Cardoș, R., Cândea, D., Oltean, H., Ştefan, S. (2019). REBT and Depressive Disorders. In Dryden W. & Bernard M. (Eds.), REBT with Diverse Client Problems and Populations (pp.23-44). Cham: Springer
    • Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Cândea, D.M., David, D.O. (2019). REBT and Positive Psychology. In Bernard M. & Dryden W. (Eds.), Advances in REBT (pp.246-266). Cham: Springer.
    • Prefit, A.B., Cândea, D.M. & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Effects of acceptance and reappraisal on body dissatisfaction: an experimental comparison of two adaptive emotion regulation strategies. Eat Weight Disord. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40519-019-00691-y
  • 2018
    • Cândea, D., Stefan, S., Matu, S., Mogoase, C., Iftene, F., David, D., & Szentagotai, A. (2018). REBT in the Treatment of Subclinical and Clinical Depression. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    • Căzănescu, D. G., Tecuta, L., Cândea, D.M., Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2018). Savoring as Mediator Between Irrational Beliefs, Depression, and Joy. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. doi: 10.1007/s10942-018-0304-8
    • Cȃndea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2018). Shame-proneness, guilt-proneness and anxiety symptoms: A meta-analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 58, 78-106. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2018.07.005
    • Cȃndea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2018). The Impact of Self-Compassion on Shame-Proneness in Social Anxiety. Mindfulness, (9), 1816-1824. doi: 10.1007/s12671-018-0924-1
    • Cândea, D. M., David, D. & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2018). Evidence-Based Psychological Interventions for Eating Disorders. In D. David, S. J. Lynn & G. H. Montgomery (Eds.), Evidence-Based Psychotherapy: The State of the Science and Practice (pp.189-218). New York: Wiley.
  • 2017
    • Cândea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Evaluarea tulburărilor de anxietate. În V. Enea & I. Dafinoiu (Eds.), Evaluarea psihologica. Manualul psihologului clinician (pp.400-414). Iași: Polirom.
    • Cândea, D. M., & Vălenas, S.P., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Altruismul. In A. Szentagotai-Tătar & D. David (Eds.), Tratat de Psihologie Pozitivă (pp. 111-127). Iași: Polirom.
    • Cândea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Shame as a predictor of post-event rumination in social anxiety. Cognition and Emotion, 31(8), 1684-1691. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2016.1243518
  • 2016
    • Cândea, D.M., Cotet, C. D., & Matu, S. A (2016). Do Psychologists Offer Coaching Services? Preliminary Results from a Survey on CBT Practitioners. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 16(1), 57-66.
  • 2015
    • Szentagotai-Tatar, A., David, D., Brustur, G. I, Burca, C., Cicodei, I., Popescu, M., Radu, E, Cândea, D. & Valenas, S. (2015). Protocol clinic de grup pentru depresie destinat femeilor private de libertate. Craiova: Sitech.
    • Cândea, D. M., Cotet, C. D., Stefan, S., Valenas, S. P., & Szentagotai-Tatar, A. (2015). Computerized cognitive training for working memory in older adults: A review. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, 16(2), 141-161.
    • Szentágotai-Tătar, A., Chiș, A., Vulturar, R., Dobrean, A., Cândea, D. M., & Miu, A. C. (2015). Shame and Guilt-Proneness in Adolescents: Gene-Environment Interactions. PloS one, 10(7), e0134716. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134716
  • 2014
    • Cândea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tatar, A. (2014). Does Shame-Proneness Enhance our Understanding of Social Anxiety beyond Classical Cognitive Constructs?. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, 15(1), 33-47.
    • Cândea, D. M. & Szentagotai-Tatar, A. (2014). Shame, Body Image and Eating Disorders: A conceptual and Empirical Map. In K. G Lockhart (ed.), Psychology of Shame: New Research (pp. 121-140). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    • Cândea, D. M., Matu, S. A., & Szentágotai, A. (2014). Individual Differences in Shame-proneness and Trait Rumination as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 127, 277-281.
  • 2013
    • Cândea, D. M., & Szentagotai, A. (2013). Shame and psychopathology: from research to clinical practice. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 13(1), 101-113.

Diana Nechita – Didactic


  • Psihologie clinică, consiliere psihologică și psihoterapii individuale și de grup
  • Psihologie pozitivă
  • Psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamentală
  • Consiliere și psihoterapie aplicate în domeniul judiciar

Orar Consultații:

Vineri: 10:00 – 12:00 – pe bază de programare prealabilă pe email

Adresă de contact: Strada Republicii 37, 400015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Email: diananechita@psychology.ro

Diana Nechita – Comunitate

Blog / Website:

Diana Nechita – Cercetare

Interese de cercetare:

  • Emoții auto-referențiale și relația cu psihopatologia
  • Intervenții ecologice în contextul tulburărilor alimentare
  • Auto-compasiunea ca factor protectiv în psihopatologie
  • Intervenții psihologice validate științific

Proiecte & Granturi:

Diana NECHITA – Pagina Principala

Lector Universitar Doctor Diana NECHITA

Diana Nechita este lector universitar doctor la Departamentul de Psihologie Clinică și Psihoterapie din cadrul Universității Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca. Este psiholog clinician și psihoterapeut cognitiv-comportamental acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor din România și de Institutul Albert Ellis, New York.

Interesele sale de cercetare sunt legate de tratamentele psihologice validate științific și de emoțiile autoreferențiale și relația lor cu psihopatologia (tulburări afective și de anxietate, tulburări de comportament alimentar), cu accent pe strategiile de reglare ale acestor emoții.



  • Psihologie clinică, consiliere psihologică și psihoterapii individuale și de grup
  • Psihologie pozitivă
  • Psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamentală
  • Consiliere și psihoterapie aplicate în domeniul judiciar

Orar Consultații:

Vineri: 10:00 – 12:00 – pe bază de programare prealabilă pe email

Adresă de contact: Strada Republicii 37, 400015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Email: diananechita@psychology.ro

Interese de cercetare:

  • Emoții auto-referențiale și relația cu psihopatologia
  • Intervenții ecologice în contextul tulburărilor alimentare
  • Auto-compasiunea ca factor protectiv în psihopatologie
  • Intervenții psihologice validate științific

Proiecte & Granturi:


  • 2022
    • Crisan, S. M., & Nechita, D. M. (2022). Maladaptive emotion regulation strategies and trait anger as predictors of depression severity. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 29(3), 1135-1143. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2702
    • Crisan, S., Canache, M., Buksa, D., & Nechita, D. (2022). A Comparison Between Self-compassion and Unconditional Self-acceptance: Interventions on Self-blame, Empathy, Shame-, Guilt-Proneness, and Performance. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 1-17.
    • David, D., Szentagotai, A., Nechita, D., & Ştefan, S. (2022). Psychotherapy Models: A Historical Perspective. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-818697-8.00098-4
    • Miu, A. C., Szentágotai-Tătar, A., Balázsi, R., Nechita, D., Bunea, I., & Pollak, S. D. (2022). Emotion regulation as mediator between childhood adversity and psychopathology: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 102141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2022.102141
  • 2021
    • Crisan, S. M., & Nechita, D. M. (2021). Maladaptive emotion regulation strategies and trait anger as predictors of depression severity. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2702
    • Cristea, I. A., & Nechita, D. M. (2021). Effective psychological interventions for relapse prevention in schizophrenia. The Lancet. Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1016/s2215-0366(21)00351-5
    • Nechita, D. M., Bud, S., & David, D. (2021). Shame and eating disorders symptoms: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1002/eat.23583
    • Szentágotai-Tătar, A., Miu, A. C., Nechita, D. M., & David, D. (2021). Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and happiness. In W. Dryden (Ed.), New Directions in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (pp. 142-160). Routledge.
    • Ceclan, A. A., & Nechita, D. M. (2021). The effects of self‐compassion components on shame-proneness in individuals with depression: An exploratory study. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2560
  • 2020
    • Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Nechita, D. M., Miu, A.C (2020). Shame in Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. Curr Psychiatry Rep., 22(4). doi: 10.1007/s11920-020-1142-9
    • Cândea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2020). Cognitive Reappraisal as an Emotion Regulation Strategy for Shame: Comparing Self-Distancing to Changing Self-Evaluations. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 13(1), 42-53. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41811-019-00064-4
  • 2019
    • Cândea, D.M & Bud, S. (2019). Programe de intervenție pentru depresie. În V. Enea (Ed.), Intervenții psihologice în școală. Manualul consilierului școlar. (pp.265-275). Iași: Polirom
    • Prefit, A.B., Cândea, D.M. & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Emotion regulation across eating pathology: A meta-analysis. Appetite. 143:104438. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.104438
    • Cândea, D.M., Ceclan, A., Cionca, S., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Self-Compassion and Mental Illness: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Evidence. Part II. In Galiana L. & Sanso N. (Eds), The Power of Compassion. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    • Cândea, D.M., Ceclan, A., Cionca, S., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Self-Compassion and Mental Illness: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Evidence. Part I. In Galiana L. & Sanso N. (Eds), The Power of Compassion. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    • David, D., Cardoș, R., Cândea, D., Oltean, H., Ştefan, S. (2019). REBT and Depressive Disorders. In Dryden W. & Bernard M. (Eds.), REBT with Diverse Client Problems and Populations (pp.23-44). Cham: Springer
    • Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Cândea, D.M., David, D.O. (2019). REBT and Positive Psychology. In Bernard M. & Dryden W. (Eds.), Advances in REBT (pp.246-266). Cham: Springer.
    • Prefit, A.B., Cândea, D.M. & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Effects of acceptance and reappraisal on body dissatisfaction: an experimental comparison of two adaptive emotion regulation strategies. Eat Weight Disord. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40519-019-00691-y
  • 2018
    • Cândea, D., Stefan, S., Matu, S., Mogoase, C., Iftene, F., David, D., & Szentagotai, A. (2018). REBT in the Treatment of Subclinical and Clinical Depression. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    • Căzănescu, D. G., Tecuta, L., Cândea, D.M., Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2018). Savoring as Mediator Between Irrational Beliefs, Depression, and Joy. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. doi: 10.1007/s10942-018-0304-8
    • Cȃndea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2018). Shame-proneness, guilt-proneness and anxiety symptoms: A meta-analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 58, 78-106. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2018.07.005
    • Cȃndea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2018). The Impact of Self-Compassion on Shame-Proneness in Social Anxiety. Mindfulness, (9), 1816-1824. doi: 10.1007/s12671-018-0924-1
    • Cândea, D. M., David, D. & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2018). Evidence-Based Psychological Interventions for Eating Disorders. In D. David, S. J. Lynn & G. H. Montgomery (Eds.), Evidence-Based Psychotherapy: The State of the Science and Practice (pp.189-218). New York: Wiley.
  • 2017
    • Cândea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Evaluarea tulburărilor de anxietate. În V. Enea & I. Dafinoiu (Eds.), Evaluarea psihologica. Manualul psihologului clinician (pp.400-414). Iași: Polirom.
    • Cândea, D. M., & Vălenas, S.P., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Altruismul. In A. Szentagotai-Tătar & D. David (Eds.), Tratat de Psihologie Pozitivă (pp. 111-127). Iași: Polirom.
    • Cândea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Shame as a predictor of post-event rumination in social anxiety. Cognition and Emotion, 31(8), 1684-1691. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2016.1243518
  • 2016
    • Cândea, D.M., Cotet, C. D., & Matu, S. A (2016). Do Psychologists Offer Coaching Services? Preliminary Results from a Survey on CBT Practitioners. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 16(1), 57-66.
  • 2015
    • Szentagotai-Tatar, A., David, D., Brustur, G. I, Burca, C., Cicodei, I., Popescu, M., Radu, E, Cândea, D. & Valenas, S. (2015). Protocol clinic de grup pentru depresie destinat femeilor private de libertate. Craiova: Sitech.
    • Cândea, D. M., Cotet, C. D., Stefan, S., Valenas, S. P., & Szentagotai-Tatar, A. (2015). Computerized cognitive training for working memory in older adults: A review. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, 16(2), 141-161.
    • Szentágotai-Tătar, A., Chiș, A., Vulturar, R., Dobrean, A., Cândea, D. M., & Miu, A. C. (2015). Shame and Guilt-Proneness in Adolescents: Gene-Environment Interactions. PloS one, 10(7), e0134716. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134716
  • 2014
    • Cândea, D. M., & Szentágotai-Tatar, A. (2014). Does Shame-Proneness Enhance our Understanding of Social Anxiety beyond Classical Cognitive Constructs?. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, 15(1), 33-47.
    • Cândea, D. M. & Szentagotai-Tatar, A. (2014). Shame, Body Image and Eating Disorders: A conceptual and Empirical Map. In K. G Lockhart (ed.), Psychology of Shame: New Research (pp. 121-140). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    • Cândea, D. M., Matu, S. A., & Szentágotai, A. (2014). Individual Differences in Shame-proneness and Trait Rumination as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 127, 277-281.
  • 2013
    • Cândea, D. M., & Szentagotai, A. (2013). Shame and psychopathology: from research to clinical practice. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 13(1), 101-113.

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