Costina Pasarelu – Publicații

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International papers indexed in Web of Science:


  • Poetar, C.-R., Dobrean, A., & Andersson, G. (2024). Preliminary efficacy of a transdiagnostic parent-led internet-delivered intervention for children with anxiety and depressive symptoms: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 18(1), 31. 
  • Florean, I. S., Dobrean, A., Roman, G. D., Poetar, C.-R., Vîlceanu, C., & Predescu, E. (2024). The mediator role of negative and positive automatic thoughts between attachment quality towards significant others and adolescents’ internalizing problems. Children and Youth Services Review, 164, 107867.   
  • Balan, R., Dobrean, A., & Poetar, C. R. (2024). Use of automated conversational agents in improving young population mental health: A scoping review. Npj Digital Medicine, 7(1), 1–9. 
  • Grama, D. I., Dobrean, A., Florean, I. S., Poetar, C. R., Rohner, R. P., & Predescu, E. (2024). Measurement invariance of the Child Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire-Short Form across parental versions, age, gender, clinical status, and time. Children and Youth Services Review, 163, 107726. 
  • Kulcsár, V., Dobrean, A., Poetar, C.-R., & Ivan, C. (2024). Is REBT Useful for Reducing Adolescents’ Career Decision Difficulties and Distress? A Randomized Trial. Journal of Career Development, 51(3), 327–348. 
  • Poetar, C.-R., & Criț, C. I. (2024). Minority Stress and Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Sexual Minority Adults: Irrationality and Self-Compassion as Serial Mediators. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.


  • Poetar, C.-R., Dobrean, A., & Florean, I. S. (2023). Problematic Smartphone Use and Mental Health Problems: A Network Analysis of Romanian Adolescents. Youth & Society, 0044118X231218295.
  • Păsărelu, C.-R., David, D., Dobrean, A., Noje, A., Roxana, Șipoș, & Predescu, E. (2023). ADHDCoach—a virtual clinic for parents of children with ADHD: Development and usability study. DIGITAL HEALTH, 9, 20552076231161964. 
  • Poetar, C.-R., Bradley, N., & Voinescu, A. (2023). Immersive virtual reality or computerised mindfulness meditation for improving mood? Preliminary efficacy from a pilot randomised trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
  • Păsărelu, C.-R., Kertesz, R., & Dobrean, A. (2023). The Development and Usability of a Mobile App for Parents of Children with ADHD. Children, 10(1), Article 1.
  • Corrigan, N., Păsărelu, C.-R., & Voinescu, A. (2023). Immersive virtual reality for improving cognitive deficits in children with ADHD: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Virtual Reality. 
  • Florean, I. S., Dobrean, A., Balazsi, R., Roșan, A., Păsărelu, C. R., Predescu, E., & Rad, F. (2023). Measurement Invariance of Alabama Parenting Questionnaire Across Age, Gender, Clinical Status, and Informant. Assessment, 10731911211068178.


  • Păsărelu, C.-R., Dobrean, A., Florean, I. S., & Predescu, E. (2022). Parental stress and child mental health: A network analysis of Romanian parents. Current Psychology.  


  • Păsărelu, C.-R., Dobrean, A., Andersson, G., & Zaharie, G. C. (2021). Feasibility and clinical utility of a transdiagnostic Internet-delivered rational emotive and behavioral intervention for adolescents with anxiety and depressive disorders. Internet Interventions, 26, 100479. 
  • Robe, A., Păsărelu, C. R., & Dobrean, A. (2021). Exploring autonomic regulation in children with ADHD with and without comorbid anxiety disorder through three systematic levels of cardiac vagal control analysis: Rest, reactivity, and recovery. Psychophysiology, e13850. 
  • David, D., Dobrean, A., Păsărelu, C. R., Iftene, F., Lupu, V., Predescu, E., & Döpfner, M. (2021). Psychotherapy, Atomoxetine or Both? Preliminary Evidence from a Comparative Study of Three Types of Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children. Cognitive Therapy and Research45(1), 149-165. 
  • Dobrean, A., Păsărelu, C.-R., Balazsi, R., & Predescu, E. (2021). Measurement Invariance of the ADHD Rating Scale–IV Home and School Versions Across Age, Gender, Clinical Status, and Informant. Assessment, 107319111985842. 


  • Florean, I. S., Dobrean, A., Păsărelu, C. R., Georgescu, R. D., & Milea, I. (2020). The efficacy of internet-based parenting programs for children and adolescents with behavior problems: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review23(4), 510-528. 
  • Păsărelu, C. R., Andersson, G., & Dobrean, A. (2020). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder mobile apps: A systematic review. International journal of medical informatics138, 104133. 


  • Florean, S., & Păsărelu, C.-R. (2019). Interpersonal Emotion Regulation and Cognitive Empathy as Mediators between Intrapersonal Emotion Regulation Difficulties and Couple Satisfaction. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies 
  • Robe, A., Dobrean, A., Cristea, I. A., Păsărelu, C. R., & Predescu, E. (2019). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and task-related heart rate variability: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 99, 11–22.


  • Păsărelu, C. R., & Dobrean, A. (2018). An Investigation of Mediators for the Relationship Between Parent Mental Health and Adolescent Problematic Internet Use: A Cross-Sectional Study in Romanian Adolescents. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 18(2), 97–116.
  • Păsărelu, C. R., & Dobrean, A. (2018). A video-based transdiagnostic REBT universal prevention      program for internalizing problems in adolescents: study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 18, 101. 


  • Păsărelu, C. R., Andersson, G., Bergman Nordgren, L., & Dobrean, A. (2017). Internet-delivered transdiagnostic and tailored cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 1–28. 
  • Păsărelu, C. R., Dobrean, A., Balazsi, R., Podina, I. R., & Mogoase, C. (2017). Interpretation biases in the intergenerational transmission of worry: a path analysis. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 17(1), 31.


  • Păsărelu, C. R., Dobrean, A., Balazsi, R., Predescu, E., Şipos, R., & Lupu, V. (2016). The Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children: Age, Gender and Clinical Invariance. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1–11. 

BDI indexed papers

  • David, C., Dobrean, A., & Păsărelu, C. R. (2016). The relationship among Math Anxiety, Perceived Competence and Perceived Value in Romanian Fifth Graders. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, (2), 211–226.  
  • Păsărelu, C. R., & Dobrean, A. (2015). Child’s negative automatic thoughts as a mediator in the relationship between mother’s and child’s social anxiety symptoms. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, 16(2), 163
  • David, D., Dobrean, A., Păsărelu, C. R., Matu, S. A., & Comsa, M. (2015). The national psychological/intelligence profile of Romanians: An in-depth analysis of the regional national intelligence profile of Romanians. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology, 16(2), 123
  • Pantis, E., Robe, A., Păsărelu, C. R., Dobrean, A., & Miclutia, I. (2015). Accuracy of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children as a screening tool for anxiety disorders. Romanian journal of psychopharmacology, 15, 185-195 

B. Book chapters


  • David, D.O., DiGiuseppe, R., Dobrean, A., Păsărelu, C.R., & Balazsi, R. (2019). The Measurement of Irrationality and Rationality. In: M. Bernard & W. Dryden (Eds.), Advances in REBT. Springer, Cham
  • Dobrean, A., Păsărelu, C. R., & Döpfner, D. (2018). Varieties of Psychotherapy for Attention‐Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. An Evidence-Based Evaluation. In D. David, S. J. Lynn & G. H. Montgomery (Eds.), Evidence-Based Psychotherapy: The State of the Science and Practice (pp. 435-464). New York: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Păsărelu, C. R., & Dobrean, A. (2016). Parental involvement in remotely-delivered CBT interventions for anxiety problems in children and adolescents: a systematic review. In F. Durbano & B. Marchesi (Eds.), New Developments in Anxiety Disorders, Intech Open Access Publisher, doi: 10.5772/65120 
  • Dobrean, A., & Păsărelu, C.R. (2016). Impact of social media on social anxiety: a systematic review. In F. Durbano & B. Marchesi (Eds.), New Developments in Anxiety Disorders, Intech Open Access Publisher, doi: 10.5772/65188


  • Poetar, C. (2024). Evaluarea și monitorizarea în cadrul intervențiilor parentale. In O. David & D. David (Eds.), Tratat de intervenții parentale validate științific. Iași: Polirom.
  • Dobrean, A., & Poetar, C. (2024). Programe parentale validate știintific pentru tratamentul tulburării de deficit atențional și hiperactivitate la copii. In O. David & D. David (Eds.), Tratat de intervenții parentale validate științific. Iași: Polirom.
  • Păsărelu, C., Anichitoae F.M., Dobrean, A. (2021). Pregătirea pentru aducerea copilului în familiei. In V. Enea (Eds.), Abordarea psihologică a adopției și asistenței maternale. Iași: Polirom.
  • Dobrean, A., & Păsărelu, C. (2021). Procesul evaluării psihologice a potențialilor părinți. In V. Enea (Eds.), Abordarea psihologică a adopției și asistenței maternale. Iași: Polirom.
  • Dobrean, A., Păsărelu, C. R. (2019). Evaluarea elevilor: tipuri de instrumente şi necesitatea cunoaşterii DSM. In V. Enea (Eds.), Intervenții psihologice în școală. Manualul consilierului școlar. Iași: Polirom
  • Dobrean, A., Păsărelu, C. R. (2019). Educaţia Da, Poţi, Reuşeşti! – un program de dezvoltare a abilităţilor sociale şi emoţionale la elevi. In V. Enea (Eds.), Intervenții psihologice în școală. Manualul consilierului școlar. Iași: Polirom
  • Dobrean, A., Păsărelu, C. (2017). Evaluarea funcţionării intelectuale. In V. Enea & I. Dafinoiu (Eds.), Evaluarea psihologică. Manualul psihologului clinician. Iași: Polirom 
  • Dobrean, A., & Păsărelu, C. R. (2017). Educaţia pozitivă în context şcolar. In A. Szentagotai Tătar & D. David (Eds.), Tratat de Psihologie Pozitivă (pp. 265-282). Iași: Polirom