Professor Aurora SZENTÀGOTAI, Ph.D.
Aurora Szentágotai este profesor la Departamentul de Psihologie Clinică și Psihoterapie al UBB
Cluj-Napoca. Este supervizor în psihologie clinică și psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamentală, acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor din România și de Institutul Albert Ellis, SUA. Are o experiență clinică de peste 15 ani, care se îmbină cu o bogată activitate de predare și de cercetare.
Subjects taught:
- Clinical psychology
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Positive psychology
Schedule for hearings:
Friday: 14:00 – 16:00 – with prior email appointment
Contact address: Republicii St., No. 37, 400015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Research Interests:
- Links between emotion regulation and psychopathology
- Early life stress and psychopathology
- Predictors and outcomes of loneliness
- Evidence-based psychological interventions
Projects & Grants:
Principal Investigator:
- 2021-2023: Grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2894: Reducerea costurilor singurătății. O abordare cognitiv-comportamentală a mecanismelor și intervenției.
- 2017-2019: Grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0864: Ruşinea şi vinovăţia în tulburarea de personalitate borderline. O abordare din perspectiva reglării emoţionale.
- 2014-2016: Grant PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1797: Promovarea îmbătrânirii active. O platformă computerizată de training şi reabilitare cognitivă.
- 2011-2013: Grant ANCS, Modul Capacităţi: Help4Mood: A computational distributed system to support the treatment of patients with major depression.
- 2011: Workshop exploratoriu: New Advances in Cognitive Bias Modification – A multidisciplinary approach
- 2010-2014. Grant FP: Help4Mood: A computational distributed system to support the treatment of patients with major depression. (Coordonator UBB)
- 2008-2010. Grant acordat de Institutul Albert Ellis, New York: The Self in REBT. Moving from self-rating to unconditional self-acceptance.
- 2009-2011. Grant CEEX, IDEI: Rolul factorilor cognitivi în emoţii: Impactul expectanţelor de răspuns în anxietate şi durere.
- 2002-2003. Grant CNCSIS AT: Efecte contraintenţionate ale controlului mental intenţionat
Team Member:
- PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2609. Markeri neurofiziologici ai reglării emoționale în maltratarea în copilărie. Asocieri prospective cu psihopatologie. Director proiect: Prof. Dr. Andrei Miu (2020-2023).
- PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0084. Înțelegerea și modelarea structurilor spațio-temporale ale inegalităților și polarizării în relație cu caracteristicile psihologice. Director proiect: Prof. Dr. Daniel David. (2018-2022)
- EEA-JRP-RO-NO-2013-1-0358, DCombat: A computerized preventative and therapeutic intervention for depression. Director proiect: Dr. Cezar Giosan (2014-2017).
- PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-1500, 81/2012, Eficienţa unei platforme web in tratamentul anxietatii la copii (iDARE). Director proiect: Conf. dr. Anca Dobrean (2012-2014).
- Proiect POSDRU: Dezvoltarea emoţională şi socială armonioasă a copiilor care provin din medii deyavantajate, cu scopul prevenirii fenomenului de părăsite timpurie a şcolii. (2010-2013). (Coordonator ştiinţific). Director proiect: Prof. Dr. Daniel David.
- PN-II-ID-SSA-2012-2-015: Current and Future Prespectives in Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Research, (2012). Director proiect: Dr. Bogdan Voinescu
- PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0230/ Psihoterapia Darwinistă – Un studiu clinic de testare a unei intervenţii evoluţioniste pentru depresie. Director proiect: Dr. Cezar Giosan (2011-2014)
- PN-II-RU-TE-3-2011-3-0080, Mecanisme psiho-sociale si fiziologice ale efectelor interactiunii om-animal asupra abilitatilor socio-emotionale ale copiilor cu autism. Director proiect: Conf. dr. Alina Rusu (2011-2014)
- Proiect POSDRU: Dezvoltarea emoţională şi socială armonioasă a copiilor care provin din medii dezavantajate, cu scopul prevenirii fenomenului de părăsite timpurie a şcolii. (2010-2123). (Coordonator ştiinţific). Director proiect: Prof. Dr. Daniel David
- Oltean, L., Miu, A., Șoflău, R., & Szentágotai-Tătar A. Tailoring gratitude interventions. How and for whom do they work? The potential mediating role of reward processing and the moderating role of childhood adversity and trait gratitude (2022). Journal of Happiness Studies.
- Oltean, L., Soflau, R., Miu, A., & Szentágotai-Tătar A. (2022). Childhood adversity and impaired rewaard processing: A meta-analysis. Child Abuse and Neglect,
- Miu, A., Szentágotai-Tătar A., Balázsi, R., Nechita, D., Bunea, I., & , Pollock, S. (2022). Emotion regulation as a mediator between childhood adversity and psychopathology: a meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 93, 1021-1041.
- Giosan, C. Cobeanu, O., Wyka, C., Muresan, V., Mogoase, C., Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Malta, L., & Moldovan, R. (2020). Cognitive evolutionary therapy versus standard cognitive therapy for depression. A sigle-blinded randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology,
- Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Nechita, D., & Miu, A. C. (2020). Shame in anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports, 22 (4), doi: 10.1007/s11920-020-1142
- David, D., Pop, C., Matu, S., Szentagotai-Tătar, A. & Dobrean, A. (2020). Effects of a robot-enhanced intervention for children with ASD on teaching turn-taking skills. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(1), doi: 10.1177/0735633119830344
- Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Cognitive reappraisal as an emotion regulation strategy for shame: comparing self-distancing to changing self-evaluations. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, doi:10.1007/s41811-019-00064-4
- Prefit, A., Cândea, D., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Emotion regulation across eating pathology: A meta-analysis. Apetite,
- Prefit, A., Cândea, D., & Szentágotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Effects of acceptance and reappraisal on body dissatisfaction: an experimental comparison of two adaptive emotion regulation strategies. Eating and Weight Disorders: Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity,
- Ștefan, S. Cristea, I., Szentágotai-Tătar, A., & David, D., (2019). Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for generalized anxiety disorder: Contrasting various CBT approaches in a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, doi: 10.1002/jclp.22779
- Căzănescu, D., Tecuta, L., Cândea, D., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2018). Savouring as a mediator between irrational beliefs, depression and joy. Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, doi.10.1007/s10942-018-0304-8.
- Cândea, D., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2018).Shame-proneness, guilt-proneness and anxiety symptoms: A meta-analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 58, 78-106.
- Cândea, D., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2018). The impact of self-compassion on shame proneness in social anxiety. Mindfulness, doi: 10.1007/s12671-018-0924-1
- Bîlc, M., Vulturar, R., Chiș, A., Buciuman, M., Nuțu, D., Bunea, I., Szentagotai-Tătar, A., & Miu, A. (2018). Childhood trauma and emotion regulation: The moderator role of BDNF Val 66Met. Neuroscience Letters 685, 7-11.
- Bunea, I., Szentagotai-Tătar, A., & Miu, A. (2017). Early life adversity and cortisol response to social stress: A meta-analysis. Translational Psychiatry, 7, 1274.
- Miu, A., Bîlc, M., Bunea, I., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Childhood trauma and sensitivity to reward and punishment: Implications for depressive and anxiety symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 134-140.
- Miu, A., Cărnuță, M., Vulturar, R., Szekely, R., Bîlc. M., Chis, A., Cioară, M., Szentagotai-Tătar, A., & Gross, J. (2017). BDNF Val66Met polymorphism moderates the link between child maltreatment and reappraisal ability. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 16, 419-426.
- Vălenaş, S. P. , Szentagotai-Tătar, A. Grafton, B., Notebaert, L. Miu, A. C., MacLeod, C. (2017). Prediction of pre-exam state anxiety from ruminative disposition: The mediating role of impaired attentional disengagement from negative information. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 91, 102-110.
- Mogoaşe, C., Cobeanu, O., David, O., Giosan, C. Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Internet-based psychotherapy for adult depression: What about the mechanisms of change? Journal of Clinical Psychology, 73, 745-764.
- Giosan, C., Mogoaşe, C., Cobeanu, O., Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Mureşan, V., Boian, V. (2016). Using a smartphone app to reduce cognitive vulnerabiliy and mild depression symptoms: Study protocol of an exploratory randomized controlled trial. Trials, 17, 609.
- ătar, A. & Miu, A. (2016). Individual differences in emotion regulation, childhood trauma and proneness to shame and guilt in adolescence. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0167299. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167299
- Cândea, D. & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2016). Shame as a predictor of post event rumination in social anxiety. Cognition and Emotion.
- ţur, S., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2016).Aesthetic emotions across arts: A comparison between painting and music. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1951, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01951
- Burton, C. D., Szentagotai-Tătar, A., McKinstry, B., Matheson, C., Matu, S., Moldovan, R., Macnab, M., Farrow, E., David. D., Pagliari, C., Serrano Blanco, A., & Wolters, M. (2016). Pilot randomized control trial of Help4Mood, an emobodied virtual-agent based sysstem to support treatment of depression. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare.
- Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Chiş, A., Vulturar, R., Dobrean, A. Cândea, D., Miu, A. C. (2015). Shame and guilt-proneness in adolescents. Gene-environmet interactions. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0134716. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134716
- Vălenaş, S. P., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2015). The relation between stress, negative affect, rumination and social anxiety. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 15(2), 179-189.
- Tulbure, B. T., Szentagotai-Tătar, A., David, O., Ştefan, S., Mansson, K. N. T., David, D., & Andersson, G. (2015). Internet-delivered cognitive-behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder in Romania: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE, 10(5), e0123997.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123997
- Voinescu, B., & Szentagotai, A. (2015). Sleep hygene awareness: its relation to sleep quality and diurnal preference. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry, doi:10.1186/s40303-015-0008-2
- Cristea, I. A., Valenza, G., Scilingo, E. P., Szentagotai, A., Gentili, C., & David, D. (2014). Autonomic effects of cognitive reappraisal and acceptance in social anxiety: evidence for common and distinct pathways for parasympathetic reactivity. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28, 795-803.
- Giosan, C., Cobeanu, O., Mogoase, C., Muresan, V., Malta, L. S., Wyka, K., & Szentagotai, A. (2014). Evolutionary cognitive therapy versus standard cognitive therapy for depression: a protocol for a blinded, randomized superiority clinical trial. Trials, 15, 83-95.
- Vîslă, A., Cristea, I., Szentagotai, A., & David, D. (2013).Core beliefs, automatic thoughts and expectancies in predicting public speaking anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 856-859.
- Burton, C. McKinstry, B., Szentagotai, A., Serrano-Blanco, A., Pagliari, C., & Wolters, M. (2013). Activity monitoring in patients with depression: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, 145, 21-28.
- Cândea, D., & Szentagotai, A. (2013). Shame and psychopathology: from research to clinical practice. Journal of Cognitive and behavioral Psychotherapies, 13, 1, 101-113.
- David, D., Cotet, C., Szentagotai, A., McMahon, J., & DiGiuseppe, R. (2013). Philosophical versus psychological unconditional acceptance: implications for constructing the unconditional acceptance questionnaire. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 13, 445-464.
- Voinescu, B., & Szentagotai, A. (2013). Categorical and dimensional assessment of insomnia in the general population. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 13, 1a, 197-209.
- Voinescu, B., & Szentagotai, A. & David, D. (2013). Internet-administered cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 13, 1a, 225-237.
- Pagliari, C., Burton, C., McKinstry, B., Szentatotai, A., David, D. Serrano Blanco, A. Ferrini, L., Albertini, S. Castro, J. C., Estevez, S. & Wolters, M. (2013). Psychosocial implications of avatar use in supporting therapy for depression. Studies in Health Technologies and Informatics, 181, 329-333.
- Tulbure, B., Szentagotai, A., Dobrean, A., & David, D. (2012). Evidence based clinical assessment of child and adolescent social phobia: A critical review of rating scales. Child Psychiatry and Human development, 43, 695-720.
- Cristea, I., Matu, S., Szentagotai A., & David, D. (2012). The other side of rumination: Reflective pondering as a strategy for regulating emotions in social situations. Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal, 26, 584-594.
- Cristea, I., Szentagotai, A., Nagy, D., & David, D. (2012). The bottle is half empty and that’s bad but not tragic: Differential effects of negative functional reappraisal. Motivation and Emotion, 36, 55-563.
- Voinescu, B., Szentagotai, A., & David, D. (2012). Sleep disturbance, circadian preference and adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Journal of Neural Transmission, 119, 1195-1204.
- Szasz, P. Szentagotai, A. & Hofmann, S. (2012). Effects of emotion regulation strategies on smoking craving, attentional bias and task persistence. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 5, 333-340.
- Cosman, I., & Szentagotai, A. (2012). Psychological approaches in the study of Holocaus survivor’s personal history. Transylvanian Review, Suppl. 3, 2012, 427-436.
- Serrano-Blanco, A., Rubio-Valera, M., Fernández, A., Baladón, L., Barneda, V., Olivari, E., Peñarrubia, M. T., Burton, C., Szentagotai, A., & Wolters, M. (2012). E-Mental Health Care: patients and professionals views on its acceptability. Information and Communication Technologies applied to Mental Health. Proceedings of the 1st workshop on ICT applied to Mental Health, Valencia, Spain, October 4th, 2012 (pp. 11-16).
- Cosman, I., Szentagotai, A., & David, D. (2012). Describe fear in your own words. Stories from the Holocaust: A historical and psychological analysis. Revista Institutului national pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România “Elie Wiesel”, 5, 104-114.
- Szasz, P., Szentagotai, A., & Hofmann, S. (2011). The effect of emotion regulation strategies on anger. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, 114-119.
- Cristea, I., Sucală, M., Ştefan, S., Igna, R., David, D., Szentagotai, A. (2011). Positive and negative emotions in cardiac patients: the contribution of trait optimism, expectancies and hopes. Cognition, Brain, Behaviour. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 15, 317-329.
- Szentagotai, A., David, D. (2010). The Efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Bipolar Disorder; A Quantitative Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 1, 66-72.
- Voinescu, B., Coogan, A., & Szentagotai, A. (2010). Attitudes towards psychiatry – a survey of Romanian medical residents. Academic Psychiatry, 1, 75-80.
- Sucala, M., & Szentagotai, A. (2010). Optimism, pessimism and negative mood regulation expectancies in cancer patients. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 10, 13-24.
- Sucala M., Stefan, S., Szentagotai, A., & David, D. (2010). Time flies when you expect to have fun. An experimental investigation of the relationship between expectancies and the perception of time progression. Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 14, 81-99.
- Szentagotai, A. & David, D. (2010). Thought suppression as emotional control strategy in depression. Revista de Psihologie aplicată 2, 61-66.
- Sava, F., Yates, B., Lupu, V., & Szentagotai, A., David, D. (2009). Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of cognitive therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy and fluoxetine in treating depression: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1, 36-52
- Moldovan, A., Onac, I., Vantu, M., Szentagotai, A., & Onac, I. (2009). Emotional distress, pain catastrophising and expectancies in patients with low back pain. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 1, 83-95.
- Voinescu, B, Szentagotai, A. & Coogan, A. (2009). Residents’ clinical empathy: gender and speciality comparisons – a Romanian study. Acta medica Academica, 38, 11-15
- Szentagotai, A., David, D., Lupu, V., & Cosman, D. (2008). Rational Emotive Therapy, Cognitive Therapy and medication in the treatment of major depressive disorder: Theory of change analysis. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice and Training, 4, 523-538.
- Szentagotai, A, Rusu, A., Gavita, O., & David, D. (2008). The “ghost” concepts of psychology” Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 2, 239-243.
- David, D., Szentagotai, A., Lupu, V., & Cosman, D. (2008). Rational Emotive Therapy, Cognitive Therapy and medication in the treatment of major depressive disorder: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 6, 728-746.
- Szentagotai, A., Onea, D. (2007). Is repressive coping associated with suppression? Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 2, 125-138.
- Szentagotai, A., Freeman, A. (2007). An analysis of the relationship between irrational beliefs and automatic thoughts in predicting distress. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 1, 1-11.
- Szentagotai, A. (2006). The paradoxical effects of suppressing anxious thoughts. Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 4, 599-606.
- Szentagotai, A. (2006). Chronic thought suppression and psychopathology. Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 3, 379-387.
- Szentagotai, A. (2006). Irrational beliefs, thought suppression and distress. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 2, 119-129.
- David, D, & Szentagotai, A. (2006). Cognition in Cognitive Behavior Psychotherapies. Clinical Psychology Review, 26, 284-298.
- Szentagotai, A., & Kallay, E. (2006). The faster you move the longer you live – A test of rational emotive behavior therapy. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 1, 69-80.
- David, D., Szentagotai, A., Kallay, E., Macavei, B., (2005). A Synopsis of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT); Fundamental and Applied Research. Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 3, 175-221.
- Szentagotai, A., Schnur, J., DiGiuseppe R., Macavei, B., Kallay, E., David, D. (2005). The organization and the nature of irrational beliefs: schemas or appraisal? Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 2, 139-158.
- David, D., Macavei, B., Szentagotai, A., McMahon, J. (2005). Cognitive Restructuring and Mental Contamination: an Empirical Re-Conceptualization. Journal of Rational Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 1, 21-55.
- Szentagotai, A., Crăciun, C. (2005). Reprezentarea durerii la copii. Cogniţie Creier Comportament, 9, 130-146.
- Szentagotai, A. (2005). Cognitive Psychology Research as a Tool for Developing New Techniques in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; A Clinical Example. Journal of cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 5, 83-93.
- Tiba, & Szentagotai, A. (2005). Positive Emotions and Irrational Beliefs. Dysfunctional Positive Emotions in Healthy Individuals. Journal of cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 5, 53-72.
- Băban, A., Balazsi, & Szentagotai, A. (2004). Psychosocial Factors Affecting Negative Response to Cervical Cancer Screening in Romania. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Reproductive Health Issues in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, 1, 760-772.
- Szentagotai, A. (2002).Distorsiuni cognitive în anorexia nervoasa. Cognitie Creier Comportament, 6, 65-84.
- Szentagotai, A. (2001). Inhibiţia cognitivă a materialului imagistic- Date şi aplicaţii. Cognitie Creier Comportament, 5, 371-384.
- Szentagotai, A., & Opre, A. (2001). Inhibiţia cognitivă a materialului imagistic. Revista de Psihologie Aplicată, 4, 17-30.
Book chapters:
- Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Miu, A. C., Nechita, D., & Cândea, D. (2021). Rational emotive behavior therapy and happiness. In Dryden, W. (Ed.) New directions in rational emotive behavior therapy. pp.142-160.
- David, D., Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Nechita, D., & Ștefan, S. (2021). Psychotherapy models: a historical perspective. In Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Elsevier.
- Szentagotai-Tătar, A., Cândea D. M., & David, D. (2019). REBT and Positive Psychology. In M. E. Bernard, & W. Dryden (Eds.), Advances in REBT. Theory, practice, research, measurement, prevention and promotion (pp. 247-266). Springer.
- Cândea, D. M., Ceclan, A. A., Cionca, Ș., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2019). Self-compassion and mental illness. A review of theoretical and empirical evidence (Part I and II). In L. Galiana & N. Sanso (Eds.), The power of compassion (pp. 217-257). Nova Publishers.
- Szentagotai-Tătar, A. & David, D. (2017). Evidence-based psychological interventions for bipolar disorder. In D. David, S. Lyn, & G. Montgomery (Eds.), Evidence-based psychotherapy: The state of science and practice (pp. 37-61). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Cândea D., David, D., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Evidence-based psychological interventions for eating disorders. In D. David, S. Lyn, & G. Montgomery (Eds.), Evidence-based psychotherapy: The state of science and practice (pp. 189-217). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Fericirea. În A.Szentagotai-Tătar & D. David (Editori), Tratat de psihologie pozitivă. Polirom.
- Cândea, D., Vălenaș, S., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Altruismul. În A.Szentagotai-Tătar & D. David (Editori), Tratat de psihologie pozitivă. Polirom.
- Cândea, D., & Szentagotai-Tătar, A. (2017). Evaluarea tulburărilor de anxietate. În V. Enea & I. Dafinoiu (Editori), Evaluarea psihologică. Manualul clinicianului. Polirom.
- Cândea, D., & Szentagotai, A. (2014). Shame, body image, and eating disorders: A conceptual and empirical map. In K. Lockhart, (Ed.). Psychology of shame. New Research (pp. 121-139). Nova Publishers.
- Szentagotai, A., & David, D. (2013). Self-acceptance and happiness. In M. Bernard (Ed). The strength of self-acceptance. Springer
- Lars Nielsen, S., Szentagotai, A., Gaviţa, O., & Lupu, V., (2013). Self-acceptance in Christian theology. In M. Bernard (Ed). The strength of self-acceptance. Springer
- Szentagotai, A., Opris, D., & David, D. (2011). Virtual reality in evidence-based psychotherapy. In Virtual Reality. Intech Open Access Publisher.
- Sucală, M., Igna, R., Dobrean, A., Szentagotai, A., & David, D. (2010). Evaluarea şi intervenţia psihologică în durerea din ischemia critică. În I. A. Mironiuc (Ed). Ischemia critică aterosclerotică a membrelor inferioare. Ghid de diagnostic şi tratament. Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă.
- Szentagotai, A., & Jones, J. (2010). The behavioral Consequences of Irrational Beliefs. In D. David, S.J. Lynn, & A. Ellis (Eds.), Rational and Irrational Beliefs in Human Functioning and Disturbances. Oxford University Press.
- David, D. & Szentagotai, A. (2006). The faster you move the longer you live – A test of rational emotive behavior therapy. In. D. David (Ed). Critical review of clinical psychology and psychotherapy. Nova Science.
- David, D., Lupu, V., Cosman, D., Crăciun, P., Szentagotai, A., & Miclea, M (2006). Rational emotive behavior therapy versus cognitive therapy versus medication in the treatment of major depressive disorder. In D. David (Ed). Rational Treatments – Evidence Based Psychological treatments for major depressive disorder. Tritonic.
- Băban, A., Szentagotai, A. (2003). Cognitive Representation of Illness and Treatment. In D. Dumitrascu (Ed.). Psychosomatic Medicine – Recent Progress and Current Trends. Cluj-Napoca: Editura. Medicală Universitară.
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